Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Success Finally!

The kids and I went to an eye doctor today and we sat there for a full hour without any fighting or whining and/or pushing. It was excellent! I was so proud of them for obeying and using kind words and coloring together. It was AMAZING! I was so excited to have a successful day at the doctor with All four children. So naturally, I had to reward them for being well behaved. Thanks children for being so great today!

So Allyson was getting her eyes checked today while we were sitting at the optometrists office and he asked her to read the line that she saw in the mirror. I was totally proud of her she read the line and then broke out in this little jiggy song. " On the line I see A F C oh yeah that is what I see!" Well the doctor couldn't resist, he burst out in laughter and proceeded to tell me what well behaved and happy children I have. AAAH! As a mother of 4, and as much doubt that you may have of your abilities as a mom, it is music to ones ears to hear someone say that.