Saturday, January 3, 2009

HURRAY!!!!!! Another Successful Attempt

Go Dylan Go!

As many of you may already know, I started several months ago at potty training and had one successful potty day. Ever since then, well, it was unsuccessful, so during the holidays, I didn't even try. Some may say that I was dumb for giving up, but I didn't want to add to the stress of the holiday season anyway.

Now that the holiday season is over, I have been, this last week, trying again. No success~ UNTIL TODAY!!! Little Dylan was so upset today and afraid to poop in his Car Pull-ups. So we asked him if he wanted to go potty in the big boy potty. Of course I was quite skeptical because there was no success this week, not even with pee. To my surprise he ran to the potty and grabbed the potty seat and put it on the toilet, climbed up and with a little patience, he began to poop in the potty! We were so excited that we did the potty dance and gave stickers and M&M's.


lady said...

YAY!!!! I really need to start potty training Preston but I am just dreading it. UUUGGHHH I guess I best just do one wants a teenager in diapers! Hope the success continues for you!

Becka Beacham said...

Congratulations! My nephew is STILL in training (if you can call it that anymore) after over a year. They finally gave up and put him back in diapers a while ago and he asked my sister-in-law why she doesn't yell at him anymore. Oh how sad! But he's actually coming around now. Boys just don't get it sometimes.
Love you and your family and miss you guys!

Babbel Family said...

Did you ever think that someone else's poo would make you so happy?