Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm a Big Boy Now!

I know that I am totally going to end up jinksing myself with this, but I am happy to report that Dylan is finally potty trained!!!!! YEAH~ We haven't had any accidents for at least a week (knock on wood) and we aren't using pullups at all anymore! We have graduated to the big boy underpants, Elmo and Sesame Street to be exact! He has woken up with a dry bed everyday this week and all last week. He is so proud of himself that he even goes around the house singing the potty song and high fiving everyone in the house. Come on all you mom's, you know that you have heard it or even caught yourself humming it in your head while cleaning the house or maybe even when you were on your way to the bathroom too. All of those potty stories are nothing but a reminiscent of time. It seems like only yesterday, I was trying to teach you how to put your clothes on. Yeah Dylan, we are so proud of you! Keep up the excellent work~


Jules Holbrook said...

Even if he does have an accident he's still potty trained, OK? How does your potty song go? We don't have one...we just have candy, money, and stickers.

Unknown said...

Hurray! I'm glad you'll only be changing diapers for two, and not three. I think my mom had to do that for a while, and I don't think it sounds very fun.

Miss L said...

Congratulations!!! Wahoo! :)